Unite and collaborate to create a better future ▏Maishuang Food Provincial and District Managers Monthly Meeting and the First I
Release time:2024-01-09

On August 13, 2019, Maishuang Food’s August provincial and district manager monthly meeting and first incentive camp mobilization meeting were held in the conference hall on the fourth floor of the company. National regional managers and outstanding city managers gathered together to summarize the past, share experiences, and plan future.

At this meeting, Cao Changshou, general manager of Maishuang Food, Wei Ningbo, deputy general manager, regional directors and leaders of various functional departments attended the meeting and made important speeches.



Summary and planning are all for a better start

At the beginning of the meeting, the managers of each province and district made key reports on four aspects: highlights, shortcomings, problem feedback in the region in July, and regional growth highlights in August. The regional directors conducted detailed analysis and comments on the provincial and district managers’ reports, and provided guidance on the work direction of the province and district in the next stage.

Subsequently, Maishuang General Manager Cao Changshou and Deputy General Manager Wei Ningbo commented and provided guidance on the sales team's report.

Mr. Wei expressed his affirmation and encouragement for the offline sales achievement rate of 91.4% in July. Subsequently, combined with the conditions of each region, we deeply analyzed the current market environment and the company's status from the macro environment and micro level, and made marketing strategic planning and guidance. We have made a detailed development plan and layout from three aspects: brand upgrade, marketing upgrade, and management upgrade. In view of the large gap between the company's terminal performance and competing products and the low distribution rate, we have made several suggestions: First, we should base our efforts on the local market. situation, match products, achieve precise delivery, and make breakthroughs one by one; secondly, understand customer channels, help customers grow, organize relevant personnel to support customer work, and assist in product sales. Thirdly, as middle-level managers, provincial and district managers should not only pay attention to the overall layout, but also grasp the specific tasks: whether the product display is good, how to promote it more effectively, how to improve the brand image, and they must spend time exploring and thinking.



Always maintain crisis awareness

Facing the current severe market environment, Mr. Cao pointed out that we must always be aware of the crisis. In the current environment, if we do not change, we may be eliminated. The process of change is painful, but if we do not change, we will be abandoned by the market and the times. . Change starts with oneself. To improve the level of the business team, the company system must be implemented 100%. Team members must be ambitious, have goals, have a sense of mission, have a sense of crisis in their work, and think about it when facing difficulties. Ways to overcome. Finally, Mr. Cao hopes that with our joint efforts, Mai Shuang can win steadily and achieve greater success!


Cultivate your internal strength in the off-season and sprint for sales in the peak season

Next, Zhang Baiyu from the Marketing Department shared the promotion experience of "cultivate your internal skills in the off-season and sprint for sales in the peak season. Become a customer in the off-season and do sales in the peak season", and conducted detailed training on market outlet layout, promotion and marketing plans, etc.; Lu from the Finance Department The general manager provided training on financial assessment related content that the sales team is concerned about. The relevant support departments stated that they will continue to provide good service and support to everyone.


Finally, Deputy General Manager Xu Hailiang delivered a mobilization speech to the trainees of the first incentive camp. Focusing on three questions: why to learn, how to learn, and what to learn, he gave a brief introduction to this incentive camp and encouraged the trainees to develop their potential and be able to Break through yourself, grow together with Mai Shuang, and look forward to everyone's perfect transformation.


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